Tiny Tots, Preschool & Kinder


Tiny Tots

Age 3-4

Waddlin’ & Toddlin’! Let your young one learn the magic in movement, twirling, bopping, leaping and groovin! An intro to to the classroom and basic dance movement. Building coordination, imaginations, dance vocabulary, strength and flexibility. Our Tiny Tots program is for age 3-4. Children must be able to come into the classroom alone, this is not a parent/child class.

Dancers will need a leotard, tights and ballet shoes for the class.

Tiny Tots-The class is 30 minutes long and runs in a 7 week session. The 7 week session is $80.

Wednesday: 9:00-9:30 a.m - July 12th-August 23rd

Wednesday: 3:30-4:00 p.m - July 12th-August 23rd

Preschool Program

Ages 4-5

You’ve graduated from toddler to almost big kid! Personalities grow and so will their skills! Preschool classes dive further into dance basics while nurturing their colorful imaginations and playful little hearts. They will continue to build coordination, learn more dance vocabulary and advance in their dance abilities to prepare them for Kinder Classes in their future! Our Preschool classes are for ages 4-5. Children must be able to come into the classroom alone, this is not a parent/child class.

Dancers will need a leotard, tights and shoes that match the style of class chosen. Acro dancers will need convertible tights; meaning they must have a hole at the bottom to take their foot out.

This class runs in a 7-week session. The 7-week session is $110.

Preschool Dance Party

Tuesday 4:00-4:45 p.m - July 11th-August 22nd

Preschool/Kinder Acro

Wednesday 5:00-6:00 p.m - July 12th-August 22nd

Preschool/Kinder Dance Party

Saturday 10:00-10:45 a.m. July 8- July 29th-**4 Week Session Only** 60.00

Preschool/Kinder Musical Theatre

Saturday 10:45-11:15 am July 8th-July 29th-**4 Week Session Only** 45:00


Ages 5-6

The fun doesn’t stop as you grow up! Kinder classes are your chance to pick a speciality (or two or three!) They are ready to dive into the athleticism of acro, the beauty of ballet, the sass of jazz or the energy of hip hop. This combo class give you a chance to try a couple of genres! Dance your kinder hearts out! Our Kinderdance program is for ages 5-6. Children must be able to come into the classroom alone, this is not a parent/child class.

Dancers will need a leotard, tights and shoes that match the style of class chosen. Acro dancers will need convertible tights; meaning they must have a hole at the bottom to take their foot out .

These classes are an hour long and runs in a 7 week session. The 7 week session is $110.

Kinder Ballet/Jazz

Monday 5:00-6:00 p.m - July 10th-August 21st

Kinder Groove

Tuesday 5:00-6:00 p.m - July 11th-August 22nd

Pre K/Kinder Acro

Wednesday 5:00-6:00 p.m. July 12th-August 23rd

Preschool/Kinder Dance Party

Saturday 10:00-10:45 a.m. July 8- July 29th-**4 Week Session Only** 60.00

Preschool/Kinder Musical Theatre

Saturday 10:45-11:15 am July 8th-July 29th-**4 Week Session Only** 45:00